Creating a budget and a plan for your rent payments is the most important task for your residency with us. With a plan, it greatly eases the anxiety that some tenants have with rent payments. It is imperative to start this many months before the due dates, and not the week before. This should be common practice with your finances after you graduate.
Here is a recommended structure for your budget:
If you are paying with financial aid, please also read the next section, “paying rent with financial aid"
Once we receive your payment, you will get a digital receipt stating that you have made your payment. If you have any questions on paying your rent, please give us a call or send us an email.
Failure to make payment on-time will result in a $100 late fee per payment, as you agreed upon in our rental agreement.
If you are paying with financial aid for rent, please follow this process.
Please follow these steps:
If you have any questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 262.607.0360, or texting us on the HSI Text Message line.
Keep in mind, you are still on the lease after you sublease your spot. Make sure your replacement is reliable.
In the case when life changes or if you want to study abroad, you have the ability to sublease your spot. The easier option is always to work through the issue causing you to sublease (if applicable), and avoid the lengthy and costly process altogether. In most instances, it is not worth the trouble.
The sooner you start this process, the more time you will have to find a replacement. This is the only method to sublease your spot. Follow each step below:
Updated February 2, 2024
*DO NOT FILL OUT RENT INFORMATION IN THE FORM! Ben or Bob will help you fill this out. This will avoid problems in your tax return.*
You may be eligible for a tax deduction from rent paid on your tax return ONLY if the following applies to you:
If all of these points apply to you, please fill out the attached document below with your applicable information (DO NOT FILL OUT THE RENT PAID SECTION) and call (262) 607-0360 to find a time for Ben or Bob to meet you. Print out the completed PDF document and bring it to our office. We will fill out the appropriate rent information and sign the document for you. Most accountants require an actual copy of the signed document.
If you have any questions, please call us at (262) 607-0360.
TO GET YOUR DEPOSIT BACK, you MUST do the following. Log in to this link (, go to your profile settings, and click "Refund settings”. Select whether you want to have your deposit sent electronically via EFT (most efficient and fastest method), or select check. Make sure to add your forwarding address where we would send your check.
If you are all moving out, or if you are the only one moving out at semester-end, the process is as follows. The procedure listed below is how you get your deposit back.
To ensure a deposit refund, this process must be read and completed. Leases with a remaining security deposit balance will have checks mailed out by 21 days after the last day of the lease.
1. All rent must be paid up before the end of the lease.
2. TO GET YOUR DEPOSIT BACK, you MUST do the following. Log in to this link (, go to your profile settings, and click "Refund settings”. Select whether you want to have your deposit sent electronically via EFT (most efficient and fastest method), or select check. Make sure to add your forwarding address where we would send your check.
3. For those with leases ending, your water bill (City of Whitewater) must be paid up through the last day of the lease. Do not discontinue service, the bill should be turned back in to our name at the end of the lease, no sooner. If you are moving out and your roommates are staying, make sure the bills are transferred to someone else on the lease.
4. For those with leases ending, your energy bill (We Energies) must be paid up through the last day of the lease, no sooner. Do not discontinue service, the bill should be turned back in to our name at the end of the lease, no sooner. If you are moving out and your roommates are staying, make sure the bills are transferred to someone else on the lease.
5. All keys need to be accounted for. Front door keys can be left on the kitchen counter, bedroom door keys (if applicable) need to be left in their respective door handle/deadbolt that it opens.
6. *For tenants who are moving out of 304 N. Tratt Street*, please make sure to return your parking pass to the kitchen counter or drop it off at our office at 212 S. 2nd Street to avoid a replacement fee.
7. Make sure that NO personal items are left behind. Even if a roommate left something behind. Make sure no garbage is left in or outside the building. Any items left behind will result in a disposal fee.
* !Remember! Gently used items and non-perishable food can be donated! The Community Space at 834 E. Milwaukee Street takes donations 24/7/365.
* DO NOT PLACE TV'S OR ANY ELECTRONICS BY DUMPSTER! If any electronics are left near a dumpster, you will be charged a disposal fee per item. Electronic disposal instructions through the city's website, or you can schedule a time to have John's Disposal pick up items by calling 262-473-4700.
* DO NOT PLACE FURNITURE OR ANY ITEMS BY THE STREET SIDE OUTSIDE OF DESIGNATED DAYS! If any furniture is left by the street side outside the designated days, you will be charged a disposal fee. This also includes but not limited to basketball hoops, fire pits, grills, etc.
* The City of Whitewater has bulk disposal days for furniture. Google "Bulk pickup days Whitewater, WI" for pickup days. Only applicable on bulk pick up day: place items 2 feet away from street curb.
8. CLEAN! CLEAN! CLEAN! This means the entire unit should be deep cleaned top to bottom (takes multiple days when done properly). Click here to view our deep cleaning guide. Make sure to follow this guide thoroughly. We expect normal wear-and-tear, but any areas that are missed or not cleaned properly will result in a cleaning charge ($30/hour, same rate our professional cleaning company charges us).
9. Once the unit is completely vacated, please call or text us at (262) 607-0360 to let us know you are moved out. If your roommates are staying, you do not need to notify us.
We truly appreciate choosing us for your college experience. If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to email or text us at the HSI text message line, call us at (262) 607-0360, or simply make a request in your mobile app.
Good luck in your future endeavors!
If you have any other questions regarding tenant policies, feel free to contact us.